Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Social Media Topics - Part 2

Establishing a strategy for social media is not unlike any other marketing strategy - know your audience, know your objectives, choose an engagement method, and engage in a conversation. In fact, social media is more focused on the quality of the "conversation" than traditional media. In particular, I like how this article focuses on listening as a step before engaging customers.

This website called Brandtology has a blog that covers some of the fundamental elements of a good strategy. Forrester Research has published a good 4 part strategic model called POST. Using POST (People, Objectives, Startegy, Technology) is a great way to organize your strategic thinking for social media.

Christina Kerley has published a checklist for putting a social media marketing plan together. Another useful checklist is provided by ClickZ. The Social Media Group offers a very useful download to help you prepare a proposal for a social media project.

Although a lot of B2C social media strategies focus on brand awareness, most B2B social media strategies are focused on more direct forms of revenue generation. This is a good article on creating a B2B lead generation pipeline.

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