Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Revenue Planning Topics

Frost & Sullivan offers a good definition of market size and some of the variables to consider.

Here are some useful articles by a VC on Addressable Market Size:
Addressable Market
Making the Estimate
Is Your Addressable Market Size Realistic?

It is important to understand some of the terminology ... this blog site has some great definitions and a diagram:

TAM: Total Available Market – i.e. how big is the overall market?

SAM: Served Available Market – how much of that market is actually served by market participants?

TM: Target Market – how much will you reach within a given time frame (in diagram aove this is a called a Serviceable and Obtainable Market)

Here is the methodology that Macromedia used to estimate Total Addressable Market Size for its products. Here is another example of calculating a TAM.

Some tips to learn how to develop revenue projections for your plan.

A VC's guide to startup market sizing from OVP.

And an excellent market sizing example from Lightspeed Ventures.

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